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Favorite Tools for Designing Authentic Learning Activities

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My Job Title: Technology Director

My School: K-6, International, Rural


This list is based on tools that address the ISTE Standard for Educators 2.5.b: 

Design Authentic Learning Activities.


#1 Project Pals

          Grade 3-12

          All Subjects

          Project-Based Learning

          Some Training Required      


How Might I Use It

In my high school entrepreneurship class, I use Project Pals to facilitate a semester-long "Community Business Challenge." Students form teams to identify a local community need and develop a business plan to address it. They use Project Pals to collaborate on market research, financial projections, and product/service design. The platform's mind-mapping tools help them brainstorm ideas, while the task management features allow them to delegate responsibilities and track progress. This aligns perfectly with the ISTE Standard "Design Authentic Learning Experiences" as students engage in real-world problem-solving and use technology to collaborate effectively. They interact with local business owners via the platform's communication tools, getting feedback on their ideas and learning about real-world business challenges. As their teacher, I use Project Pals to provide guided support, offering resources and feedback directly within their project space. This approach connects to the ISTE TLP "Change Agent" as I'm leveraging technology to transform learning experiences and prepare students for future careers. The authentic nature of the project, combined with the collaborative digital environment, helps students develop crucial skills in entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and digital literacy.




#2 Nearpod


          All Subjects

          Curriculum, Learning Management

          No Training Required


How Might I Use It

In my high school biology class, I use Nearpod to create an immersive "Virtual Ecosystem Explorer" unit. Students embark on a series of virtual field trips to different biomes around the world. Using Nearpod's VR features, they 'visit' rainforests, deserts, and coral reefs. At each location, students collect data on species diversity, climate conditions, and human impacts through interactive activities and simulations. This aligns with the ISTE Standard "Design Authentic Learning Experiences" as students engage in real-world scientific observation and data analysis using digital tools. They use Nearpod's collaboration features to share findings and work together on developing conservation strategies for each ecosystem. As their teacher, I use the platform's real-time assessment tools to gauge understanding and adapt the 'expedition' as needed. This approach ties into the ISTE TLP "Equity and Citizenship Advocate" as I'm using technology to bring diverse global environments into our classroom, ensuring all students have access to rich, immersive learning experiences regardless of their ability to travel physically. The authentic nature of the virtual expeditions helps students develop a genuine connection to global environmental issues and fosters a sense of global citizenship.


           ISTE Standards

           Student 1.3 Knowledge Constructor

           Educator 2.4 Collaborator


           ISTE Transformational Learning Principles

           Learning Catalyst


#3 Padlet


          All Subjects


          Heavy Training


How Might I Use It

In my middle school social studies class, I use Padlet to run a year-long "Digital Time Capsule" project. Each student creates a Padlet board that serves as their personal time capsule, documenting significant local and global events throughout the year. They post news articles, personal reflections, images, and videos related to current events, cultural trends, and societal changes. This aligns with the ISTE Standard "Design Authentic Learning Experiences" as students engage in real-time curation and analysis of primary sources, mirroring the work of historians and archivists. Monthly, we have "Time Capsule Talks" where students present their boards, discussing the connections between events and their potential long-term impacts. As their teacher, I use Padlet to provide guiding questions and resources, encouraging deeper analysis and critical thinking. This approach connects to the ISTE TLP "Connected Learner" as I'm modeling continuous engagement with current events and digital curation tools. The project culminates in a virtual museum exhibition where students create themed collections from their year-long observations, synthesizing their learning into a cohesive narrative of the year's most significant developments. This authentic learning experience not only develops students' digital literacy and analytical skills but also fosters a deeper understanding of how current events shape our world.


          ISTE Standards

           Student 1.3 Knowledge Constructor

           Educator 2.4 Collaborator


           ISTE Transformational Learning Principles

           Learning Catalyst


Badges Earned

Interoperable: Project Unicorn Data Interoperability, 1EdTech Interoperability Certification

Safe: Student Privacy Pledge, 1EdTech Data Privacy Seal

Evidence-Based: ISTE Seal, Instructure ESSA Tier IV

Inclusive: ISTE Seal



This article is part of a program to help showcase the work of ISTE Certified Educators. Educators' views about each tool are their own and not verified or endorsed by ISTE+ASCD. 

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